Spring has Sprung at The Mulberry Treehouse

Of all the internet friends I’ve “met”, Furkan has to be the nicest. But also, she has the best packaging skills I have ever seen. I feel like this piece should start with that. Furkan literally ships a party in a box, no matter what you order.

Let’s get some background information in: Furkan Keskin Amonett began her shop, The Mulberry Treehouse, in April of 2021, after watching her twin boys play with several open ended wooden toys. She did some research into the market and decided to bring some of these brands to her friends, family, and her community of Indianapolis, Indiana.

Here’s my conversation with the genius behind The Mulberry Treehouse:

TPL: Thanks for taking time out to speak with me! I know this new Grapat drop probably has you super busy. So, tell me Furkan, what’s your favorite piece?

TMT: My favorite piece is the Tateplota Big Blocks Set. The wood grains are amazing. It is made up of four different types of trees and when I touch it I feel like I am touching the trees and nature.

TPL: It’s easy to see why! Look at that grain! You have a lot of hard to find items, but what item is your bestseller?

TMT: We sell a great deal of the Skandico Castle Blocks. All the Skandico puzzles are gorgeous and beautifully made. They sell out quickly when we get them in stock.

A “great deal” is obviously downplaying her Skandico range.

TPL: What brand do you think is a hidden gem? You know everyone wants to know the next big thing?

TMT: Vera & the Neva and Wooden Story are two brands that are very impressive with their quality and workmanship.

TPL: I totally agree. You’ve seen me fan-girling about them on social media. Vera & the Neva is truly a class unto their own.

TPL: Anything you want to say or convey to the readers?

TMT: We are a small family company that started less than a year ago. We are getting more visitors to our site every day and things are growing. We really appreciate all the positive feedback we have gotten and will continue to do our best to provide a great customer experience.

TPL: And you’re succeeding! If you only could stock one brand, which one would it be?

TMT: I hand pick all of my brands and love the companies I work with. Tateplota stands out due to their use of multiple tree species on one product. It is very unique and beautiful.

TPL: Very diplomatic! What’s an interesting fact about you?

TMT: I love reading and collecting children’s books. My favorite author of children’s books is Susanna Isern. I collect certain authors and love to read them to my children.

TPL: If people have questions, what’s the best way to reach out?

TMT: I am very customer friendly and ready to answer questions in a variety of ways. We have a question form available on our website at www.themulberrytreehouse.com/about-us. Email info@themulberrytreehouse.com is another great way to reach me.

I had sworn off doing these bits because the number of retailers and stockists for this industry is expanding. Yet, The Mulberry Treehouse sets itself apart from the others by Furkan’s commitment to A+ quality, 100% of the time.

There’s a concept that usually applies to most industries: If you’re going to stand out, you have to be one of three things: the best, the quickest, or the cheapest. Somehow, on top of providing stellar customer service, Furkan has managed to be all three. I can’t wait to see where this takes her!
