Hello! I’m Rachel.

Here’s the nuts and bolts: I like quality makeup, clean eating, lifting heavy things, and all things North Carolina! I live near Charlotte, NC and am a stay at home mother. I married the love of my life after a whirlwind courtship of nine years. We have an adorable daughter who finds new ways to delight and frustrate us all at the same time. My husband works managing several businesses he owns, but is mainly focused in the Fin Tech sector. Sometimes he works from home and I know I am extremely blessed for my daughter to see so much of both of her parents.

My body is a temple. A wide temple that has a lot of carbs inside. No, but really I became the biggest advocate for clean eating as I neared the big 3-0. Our bodies simply cannot handle all the junk that exists for our consumption. I don’t participate in fads (I’m looking at you, Atkins), but there is something to be said for abstinence from certain foods and “resetting” your body. My blog will share some pretty amazing recipes and keep you updated on where I am with my journey to become healthy again.

We moved to North Carolina shortly after the birth of our daughter. Having spent most of our married lives in south Florida we decided to find a better place to put down roots. I wanted to raise my daughter somewhere that kindness was still a virtue and at least SOME people occasionally use their turn signals. We do miss Miami. It’s where most of our family resides and there is hands down, no better breakfast than cafe con leche and a tostada.

I believe in rational thought and the power in organization. I also believe that motherhood, especially mothers who stay at home, is a lesson in humility. I have never experienced greater issues with getting things done, than after having my first child. It is ironic that after leaving the workforce, with all this time “at my disposal”, it still remains an issue to tackle my normal to do list. My blog will hope to provide some tips that work for me.

There is an inherent narcissism in writing a blog. Becoming a blogger implies that you believe your voice is worth hearing, worth listening to. You find merit in your own advice. Finally at 32, I am in a place that feels like confidence. It’s not always in the same quantity. Some times I possess a largess, sometimes I find my stores at a deficit. But I’m here. To share some tips, a few stories, and hopefully get a good laugh along the way.
